Map Projections
Map projections are attempts to portray the surface of the earth
or a portion of the earth on a flat surface. Some distortions of
conformality, distance, direction, scale, and area always result
from this process. Some projections minimize distortions in some
of these properties at the expense of maximizing errors in others.
Some projection are attempts to only moderately distort all of these
See Map Projection Descriptions
for more definitions of supported projections and parameters of
Supported Projections
About Projections
PathAway 3.0 supports Map projections through the ProjLib shared library.
This library is based on the publicly available projection library PROJ4.
The projection parameters required in Proj4 apply to PathAway3 and must
be included in the Calibration command for Projection. Note Touratech-QV
does this automatically when you convert a projected map to PathAway.
PathAway supports only projections with Forward and Inverse projection
(more to come)
Projection ID |
Description |
aea |
Albers Equal Area |
aeqd |
Azimuthal Equidistant |
aitoff |
Aitoff |
alsk |
Mod. Stererographics of Alaska |
apian |
Apian Globular I |
bipc |
Bipolar conic of western hemisphere |
bonne |
Bonne (Werner lat_1=90) |
cass |
Cassini |
cc |
Central Cylindrical |
cea |
Equal Area Cylindrical |
collg |
Collignon |
crast |
Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4) |
eck1 |
Eckert I |
eck2 |
Eckert II |
eck3 |
Eckert III |
eck4 |
Eckert IV |
eck5 |
Eckert V |
eck6 |
Eckert VI |
eqc |
Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Caree) |
eqdc |
Equidistant Conic |
euler |
Euler |
fahey |
Fahey |
fouc |
Foucaut |
fouc_s |
Foucaut Sinusoidal |
gall |
Gall (Gall Stereographic) |
gins8 |
Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK) |
gn_sinu |
General Sinusoidal Series |
gnom |
Gnomonic |
goode |
Goode Homolosine |
gs48 |
Mod. Stererographics of 48 U.S. |
gs50 |
Mod. Stererographics of 50 U.S. |
hatano |
Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area |
imw_p |
Internation Map of the World Polyconic |
kav5 |
Kavraisky V |
kav7 |
Kavraisky VII |
labrd |
Laborde |
laea |
Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area |
latlong |
Lat/long (Geodetic) |
ProjLib.prc |
lcc |
Lambert Conformal
Conic |
ProjLib.prc |
leac |
Lambert Equal Area Conic |
lee_os |
Lee Oblated Stereographic |
loxim |
Loximuthal |
lsat |
Space oblique for LANDSAT |
mbt_s |
McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine |
mbt_fps |
McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2) |
mbtfpp |
McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic |
mbtfpq |
McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic |
mbtfps |
McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal |
merc |
Mercator |
mil_os |
Miller Oblated Stereographic |
mill |
Miller Cylindrical |
mpoly |
Modified Polyconic |
moll |
Mollweide |
murd1 |
Murdoch I |
murd2 |
Murdoch II |
murd3 |
Murdoch III |
nell |
Nell |
nell_h |
Nell-Hammer |
nsper |
Near-sided perspective |
nzmg |
New Zealand Map Grid |
ob_tran |
General Oblique Transformation |
ocea |
Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area |
oea |
Oblated Equal Area |
omerc |
Oblique Mercator |
ortel |
Ortelius Oval |
ortho |
Orthographic |
pconic |
Perspective Conic |
poly |
Polyconic (American) |
putp1 |
Putnins P1 |
putp2 |
Putnins P2 |
putp3 |
Putnins P3 |
putp3p |
Putnins P3' |
putp4p |
Putnins P4' |
putp5 |
Putnins P5 |
putp5p |
Putnins P5' |
putp6 |
Putnins P6 |
putp6p |
Putnins P6' |
qua_aut |
Quartic Authalic |
robin |
Robinson |
rpoly |
Rectangular Polyconic |
sinu |
Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) |
somerc |
Swiss. Obl. Mercator |
stere |
Stereographic |
tcea |
Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area |
tissot |
Tissot Conic |
tmerc |
Transverse Mercator
PJtmerc.prc |
tpeqd |
Two Point Equidistant |
tpers |
Tilted perspective |
ups |
Universal Polar Stereographic |
urmfps |
Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal |
utm |
Universal Transverse
Mercator (UTM) |
PJtmerc.prc |
vandg |
van der Grinten I |
vandg3 |
van der Grinten III |
vitk1 |
Vitkovsky I |
wag1 |
Wagner I (Kavraisky VI) |
wag2 |
Wagner II |
wag3 |
Wagner III |
wag4 |
Wagner IV |
wag5 |
Wagner V |
wag6 |
Wagner VI |
weren |
Werenskiold I |
wintri |
Winkel Tripel |
Map Datums
Supported Datum Grids
Datum ID |
Ellipisoid |
Description |
WGS84 | WGS84 | WGS84
| AustNat | aust_SA | Australian National
| Austria | bessel | Austria NS
| AGD66 | aust_SA | Australian Geod 66
| AGD84 | aust_SA | Australian Geod 84
| Eur1950 | intl | European 1950
| Eur1979 | intl | European 1979
| GDA94 | GRS80 | Australian Geod 94
| GGRS87 | GRS80 | Greek Geodetic Ref 1987
| HKong63 | intl | Hong Kong 1963
| Irelnd65 | mod_airy | Ireland 1965
| NAD27Alaska | clrk66 | N American Datum 1927 - Alaska
| NAD27Bahamas | clrk66 | N American Datum 1927 - Bahamas
| NAD27Canada | clrk66 | N American Datum 1927 - Canada
| NAD27CanalZn | clrk66 | N American Datum 1927 - Canal Zone
| NAD27Caribbn | clrk66 | N American Datum 1927 - Caribbean
| NAD27Cent | clrk66 | N American Datum 1927 - Central
| NAD27CONUS | clrk66 | N American Datum 1927 - ConUS
| NAD27Cuba | clrk66 | N American Datum 1927 - Cuba
| NAD27Grnland | clrk66 | N American Datum 1927 - Greenland
| NAD27Mexico | clrk66 | N American Datum 1927 - Mexico
| NAD27SanSal | clrk66 | N American Datum 1927 - San Salvador
| NAD83 | GRS80 | North_American_Datum_1983
| NeTri21 | bessel | Netherland Tri 21
| NTrFrance | clrk80 | Nou Triag France
| NTrLux | intl | Nou Triag Luxembourg
| Oman | clrk80 | Oman
| OrdSrvyGrtBritn | airy | Ord Srvy Grt Britn
| Portug73 | intl | Portuguese 1973
| Potsdam | bessel | Potsdam
| ProvSAm56 | intl | Prov South American 56
| ProvSChln63 | intl | Prov South Chilean 63
| PuertoRico | clrk66 | Puerto Rico
| Pulkovo1942 | krass | Pulkovo 1942
| Rome40 | intl | ROMA 1940
| SoAm69 | SAm1969 | South American 69
| SoAsia | fschr60m | South Asia
| SEBase | intl | Southeast Base
| SWBase | intl | Southwest Base
| Tokyo | bessel | Tokyo
Supported Ellipisoids
Ellipisoid ID |
Description |
MERIT 1983 |
SGS85 |
Soviet Geodetic System 85 |
GRS80 |
GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980) |
IAU76 |
IAU 1976 |
airy |
Airy 1830 |
APL4.9 |
Appl. Physics. 1965 |
Naval Weapons Lab., 1965 |
mod_airy |
Modified Airy |
andrae |
Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.) |
aust_SA |
Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969 |
GRS67 |
GRS 67(IUGG 1967) |
bessel |
Bessel 1841 |
bess_nam |
Bessel 1841 (Namibia) |
clrk66 |
Clarke 1866 |
clrk80 |
Clarke 1880 mod. |
Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799 |
delmbr |
Delambre 1810 (Belgium) |
engelis |
Engelis 1985 |
evrst30 |
Everest 1830 |
evrst48 |
Everest 1948 |
evrst56 |
Everest 1956 |
evrst69 |
Everest 1969 |
evrstSS |
Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) |
fschr60 |
Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960 |
fschr60m |
Modified Fischer 1960 |
fschr68 |
Fischer 1968 |
helmert |
Helmert 1906 |
hough |
Hough |
intl |
International 1909 (Hayford) |
krass |
Krassovsky 1942 |
kaula |
Kaula 1961 |
lerch |
Lerch 1979 |
mprts |
Maupertius 1738 |
new_intl |
New International 1967 |
plessis |
Plessis 1817 (France) |
SAm1969 |
South American 1969 |
SEasia |
Southeast Asia |
walbeck |
Walbeck |
WGS60 |
WGS 60 |
WGS66 |
WGS 66 |
WGS72 |
WGS 72 |
WGS84 |
WGS 84 |
sphere |
Normal Sphere (r=6370997) |
Conversion Tools
PathAway Map Manager
Use the Map Manager to prepare maps for PathAway. The application is
quite simple and straight forward. To prepare a map follow these steps:
1. Ensure the map is in either Jpeg or BMP format.
2. Run the PathAway Map Manager.
3. To import a map, choose from the menu Map-Import Map. Select
your map from the dialog.
4. Next, give the map a name, and set its color depth. The color depth
must at least match your device's. Most Handheld devices support color
depths that are equal to or less than the maximum available on the device.
I.e. if your device supports up to 256 colors, then, 4-bit gray-scale
maps will work.
5. The next step is to Calibrate your map's geographic coordinates so
it can be used for GPS Navigation. To set the calibration for the map,
click on the Calibrate button on the top panel of the Map Window. The
Calibration panel will appear.
NOTE: if you're not sure of the map's coordinates, you can calibrate
the map later in PathAway based on captured GPS points. (See the PathAway
manual section on Calibrating Maps
Calibrating Maps in PathAway Map Manager
The simplest form of calibration is a map defined by Top-Left and Bottom-Right
coordinates. You can enter the longitude and latitude coordinates of each
corner of the map. You can also calibrate a map by its known Projection
parameters. The 3x3 calibration option is used by Touratech-QV
to perpare maps for PathAway.
Calibrate by Top-Left and Bottom-Right Points
First choose the "Calibrate
The position coordinates can be specified by one of the following methods:
1) By top-left and bottom right or,
2) By the map center coordinates, and the total distance covered by
the map. Total distance is in statute miles. To convert from nautical
miles to statute miles, multiply nautical miles by 1.151. For Kilometers
to Miles, multiply kilometers by 0.621
3) By the known longitude and latitude coordinates of known points on
the map. With this method, you can set up to 9 points on the map to calibrate
on. For each point, you can click on it's position on the map and enter
it's geographic coordinates. Once you have entered all of the points,
click Apply, and the top-left and bottom-right corrds of the map will
be calculated.
When you're done setting up the map, save the map by selecting File-Save
Map As. You will be prompted to save it with a .prc extension. You
can also send the map directly to your Handheld using the File-Send
To command.
QuoVadis is a powerful PC-Desktop GPS solution that now integrates
support for creating, viewing, and editting PathAway Maps, Routes, Tracks,
and Points. QuoVadis also sells maps for locations all over the world.
The combination of QuoVadis and PathAway provides you with a complete
navigation solution. Acquire and prepare all your maps, create your routes,
and edit your points, in QuoVadis. Then, transfer the data to PathAway
to take with you on the road. Once you return from your trip, import all
your the new recorded tracks, and points back into QuoVadis for easy
viewing, and editting.
See for
more information.
PathAway Map Conversion SDK
PathAway Data Conversion tools allow advanced users and developers to convert
maps to PathAway format, and to convert routes, tracks, and waypoints to
and from PathAway format. The Data conversion tools are currently in the
form of Command Line batch programs, and Windows DLL format.
See the PathAway Data Conversion Tools
page to download the tools, and get detailed information.
Special Cases
Calibrating OSGB Maps
Most OSGB maps have horizontal and vertical OSGB Grid lines. PathAway
Rectangular Calibration requires Longitude/Latitude lines to be horizontal/vertical.
If this is the case for your OSGB map, you will need to either rotate
the map so the Long/Lat lines are rectangular, or you will need to use
a Projected map to Calibrate correctly. To calibrate OSGB maps such as
this you can use the following projection parameters:
Calibration Type: Projection
Datum: OSGB
Projection: Transverse Mercator
lon_0: W2.000
lat_0: N49.00
x_0: 400000
y_0: -100000
Use at least 2 known points for the calibration points.