QuoVadis and PathAway
Desktop GPS Software, Route Planning, and Maps

QuoVadis? (formerly Touratech-QV)

QuoVadis is a powerful PC-Desktop GPS solution that integrates support for creating, viewing, and editing PathAway Maps, Routes, Tracks, and Points. QuoVadis also sells maps for locations all over the world. See http://www.quovadis-gps.com for more information.

The combination of QuoVadis and PathAway provides you with a complete navigation solution. Acquire and prepare all your maps, create your routes, and edit your points, in QuoVadis. Then, transfer the data to PathAway to take with you on the road. Once you return from your trip, import all your the new recorded tracks, and points back into QuoVadis for easy viewing, and editing.

How To

Once you're installed QuoVadis, you will not need the PathAway Tools to convert maps. You can also create and edit your routes, tracks and points in QuoVadis and transfer them to PathAway. Also, Capture your Tracks and points in PathAway, then import them directly into QuoVadis.

- How to Send Maps to PathAway

Select the area of the map you want to send to PathAway.

  1. Choose the menu option File->Export Map.
  2. Choose PathAway as Destination.
  3. For colors, 16-bit color provides the highest quality image but requires the most amount of memory.
  4. Save the map to your PC then copy it to a registered PathAway folder on your device.
  5. Run PathAway on your handheld and select the map from the Maps Dialog screen to view it.

- How to Send Tracks/Routes/Points to PathAway

Go to the QV-Xplorer, and select the data you want to send to PathAway.

  1. Select the "Export" icon on the toolbar.
  2. Choose Export to GPX, or KML
  3. Export the file to your PC, then copy it to a folder on your device.
  4. Run PathAway and Import the file via the Data->Import... command.

- How to Get Tracks/Routes/Points from PathAway

Go to the QV-Xplorer, and select the database you want to import into

  1. Select the "Import" icon on the toolbar.
  2. If you are using a Palm, then choose "PathAway PDB WPs" for PathAway Points database, "PathAway PDB Tracks" for PathAway Tracks, and "PathAway PDB Routes" for PathAway Routes.
  3. If you are using a Windows Mobile device, then choose "PathAway PPC WPs" for PathAway Points database, "PathAway PPC Tracks" for PathAway Tracks, and "PathAway PPC Routes" for PathAway Routes.
  4. For other platforms, export to GPX from the device, then use the Import command to import the GPX file into QuoVadis.

See the QuoVadis documentation for more detail. Go to http://www.quovadis-gps.com to get QuoVadis today!

Maps from QuoVadis

QuoVadis sells Digital maps of:

Europe, Africa, Asia at: http://www.quovadis-gps.com

TTQV also supports: Top50, Top200, Austria Map, MagicMaps, Kompass, BSB/PCX-Format(Maptech), Ermapper *.ecw, Lizzardtech *.sid....