PathAway supports the Garmin iQue internal GPS, and 320x480 expandable screen. All Garmin iQue models are supported by PathAway
Download PathAway GPS with Garmin iQue GPS support.
The iQue comes with maps and software targeted mainly towards driving and points of interest. While the maps that come with the iQue are top notch, they do not cover all purposes. For example, it does not come with topo maps or nautical maps. Some 3rd party application may provide less expensive or better maps in these areas and in parts of the world not covered by Garmin.
One of the key points of Pathway is to allow you to use your own maps. It doesn't matter whether you've scanned paper maps, downloaded maps off the internet, or have digital maps on CD-ROM. PathAway provides tools to convert maps and calibrate them to the proper geographical coordinates. In fact, PathAway has a conversion SDK for PC Mapping applications to seamlessly convert to PathAway format from within the PC app. Touratech-QV is an example of this implementation.
PathAway also provides more In-Hand database management of your personal points, routes and recorded track logs. There are also tools for converting data to and from PathAway format. So the software is open to PC apps to further utilize the captured location data.
In addition some users may prefer a particular feature or user interface of PathAway not present in the Garmin offering. I encourage you to try PathAway for yourself.
We believe PathAway is an ideal complement for the Garmin iQue. With the Garmin software, maps, and points of interest, you have a great driving and POI companion. With PathAway, you can do everything else, manage and capture your own points and tracks. Use any PC software to convert and analyze your data.